Faith Hill (Northview HS)

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Date(s) - 01/02/2023
5:30 am - 6:15 am

The Q:

Northview High School


boot camp, Sylvania

Affectionately coined Faith Hill since it is one of the few hills in Toledo area. Bootcamp style workout that typically takes advantage of the hill during the 45 minute beatdown.

1 reply
  1. Anonymous
    Anonymous says:

    Q: Colonel
    AO: Faith Hill
    Moleskine – Balmy 42 degrees with a nice fog/mist in the air! Discipline > Motivation beatdown

    Pax (31 with 1 FNG): Nails, Goose, Ozzie, Spokes, Mole, HedgeHog, Simmons, Dirty, Beaker, FNG Evan Brown – now Sandman, Ticket, Mater, Oh Geez, Drago, Splinter, Brute, Mickey, Sipe, Ollie, Bambi, Speedo, Mayor, Bagels, Cratchit, Pixar, Danica, Smails, Trojan, Care Bear, Gas Man, Colonel

    Warm-up –10 burpees IC, 10 squats IC, 10 SSH IC, sprint around wildcat @ wildcat run backwards up pavement.

    The Thang:
     5 squat thrusts / 10 bent over rows // run down the hill and backwards up – repeat exercises with backwards run
     5 Carolina dry docks on block on curb / 10 deadlifts on curb / Run down – backwards run up // repeat exercises with backwards run
     5 Cinder Swings / 10 curls holding outside of block only / run down and sprint up // repeat exercises – run down and sprint up
     5 squats with block hold / 10 Klinger kicks while pressing block // run down and sprint up // repeat exercises – run down and sprint up
     After all exercises and back up – 3 hill runs down and up

    * Repeat exercises another round except reps are 10 and 20 – same runs – first two exercises running backwards up, last two exercises springing up. After 10/20 round – 3 hill sprints and get the 6 for 1 hill sprint together.

    Total rep count with blocks:
    30 – squat thrusts, 60 – bent over rows, 30 – dry docks, 60 – deadlifts, 30 – swings, 60 – curls, 30 – lunges, 60 – klinger kicks with press.

    8 backwards hills and 14 hill sprints = 22 hills + warm up around wildcat = 23 hills and b/w 1.5-2 miles of hillage.

    Circled up and finished with 10 SSH IC.

    31 strong with 8 pax pre-running 4.5 miles! FNG – Sandman as well!

    Hog was the 6 and YHC took us out with prayers to SkyQ. Solid 2nd F at CFA afterward.

    Honor to lead today!


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