Faith Hill (Northview HS)
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Date(s) - 01/30/2023
5:30 am - 6:15 am
The Q:
Northview High School
Affectionately coined Faith Hill since it is one of the few hills in Toledo area. Bootcamp style workout that typically takes advantage of the hill during the 45 minute beatdown.
The sled timer
Q: Ricky Bobby
Pax: Klinger, Trinity, Mayor, Johnny, Bluto, Mailman, Palin, Smails, Beaker, Tucky, Ozzie, Tupac, Rubble, Brute, Ollie, Splinter, Ricky Bobby
F3: Fitness, Fellowship, Faith
5 core principles
Always free
Always outside
Open to all men
Led by members of the group in a rotating fashion
Always ends in a circle of trust
Mission: to plant grow and serve small workout groups for men for the invigoration of male community leadership
Credo: leave no man behind, but leave no man where you find him
We started with a warmup consisting of side straddle hops, windmills, and tempo merkins
We then did a timer workout with a sled and rucksack. Each pax took a turn sledding down the hill. Once they got to the bottom they’d put on the rucksack and run back up. During that time the rest of the pax were doing an exercise until the sledder got back up the hill. Once they got up we changed exercises.
The workouts were:
1. Peter Parkers
2. LBC’s
3. Lunges
4. Diamond merkins
5. Freddy mercuries
6. Squats
7. Merkin
8. Heel touch
9. Lunges
10. Mt climbers
11. Burpees
12. Plank
13. Mike Tysons
14. Bonnie Blairs
15. Plank jack shoulder tap
16. Situation squat
17. Ranger merkin
18. Imperial walker
19. Carolina dry docks
20. Lt Dans
21. X factors
22. Wide merkins
23. Kraken burpees
24. Calf raises
25. Diamond Mike Tyson’s
Ended with COR, NOR, COT
Always a pleasure to lead
Ricky Bobby