Faith Hill (Northview HS)

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Date(s) - 02/12/2024
5:30 am - 6:15 am

The Q:

Northview High School


boot camp, Sylvania

Affectionately coined Faith Hill since it is one of the few hills in Toledo area. Bootcamp style workout that typically takes advantage of the hill during the 45 minute beatdown.

1 reply
  1. Anonymous
    Anonymous says:

    Another beautiful Monday morning at Faith Hill! 39 F and light wind. 11 men took advantage of the conditions with partner work at 7 stations. 20 reps of each exercise 2-1 where appropriate.
    Split squats & dips
    Dead lift & mule kicks
    Big boys & Heels to Heaven
    Tri extensions bells or block & cross climbers
    Curls bells or block & imperial walkers
    Plank Jack shoulder taps & mtn climbers
    Sled push down the paved hill and back up
    The down was easy the up was not most made it through 3 rounds 1 group did get 4
    Always an honor to lead thanks to the men who came out to get better
    Bambi, Mole, Mayor, Trinity, Beaker, Tucky, Colonel, Rubble, Brute, Ollie, Smails


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