Faith Hill (Northview HS)

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Date(s) - 04/15/2024
5:30 am - 6:15 am

The Q:

Northview High School


boot camp, Sylvania

Affectionately coined Faith Hill since it is one of the few hills in Toledo area. Bootcamp style workout that typically takes advantage of the hill during the 45 minute beatdown.

1 reply
  1. Mayor
    Mayor says:

    4/15/24 Faith Hill
    Mayor, Trinity, Cogsworth, Tucky, rubble, yeast, beaker, cobra, Wilson, flush, scotchy

    Cadence work
    Finish with pull-ups
    Winner Rubble! He picks music on way to tennis courts
    Indian Run
    Tennis Courts
    Run lines (only far end of each court)
    Cadence work
    Competition Wall Sits
    Winner Trinity! He picks music on way to gy
    Indian Run
    At Gym
    Cadence work
    Wall sit contest
    Winner picks music
    Indian run to Natatorium
    Race to SF
    Cadence work
    Pull up contest
    Winner Rubble! He picks cool down music
    Ab work


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