Faith Hill (Northview HS)

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Date(s) - 01/11/2021
5:30 am - 6:15 am

The Q:

Northview High School


boot camp, Sylvania

Affectionately coined Faith Hill since it is one of the few hills in Toledo area. Bootcamp style workout that typically takes advantage of the hill during the 45 minute beatdown.

1 reply
  1. Trinity
    Trinity says:

    1/11/21 – Faith Hill
    National Championship Monday
    QIC – Trinity
    Pax (31!) -Ozzie, Nails, Jeter, Splinter, Chum, Mole, Biggie, Smails, Termite (FNG), Costanza, Irish Springs, Steel Mule, Bambi, Johnny, Tucky, Rubble, Beaker, Minnie, Brita, Ollie, Thong Song, Kasem, Dory, Brute, Klinger, Sideshow, Goose, Dirty, Koresh, Klinger.

    The Buckeyes are taking on the Crimson Tide tonight for the College Football National Championship. We used that for some inspiration for this morning’s beatdown pitting two strong teams against one another for bragging rights.

    The Thang: We split up into two teams both starting at mid-field. “Kickoff” will be 5 burpees. Upon completion of the burpees each team will run increments of 10 yards in the direction of their respective end zones. Every 10 yards will be marked with a cone and the team will complete 19 reps of an exercise. The order of exercises is as follows:

    10 yards = Merkins
    20 yards = Jump squats
    30 yards = Big boy sit-ups
    40 yards = Donkey kicks
    50 yards = Plank jack shoulder taps (2 is 1)

    Your team should not advance the next 10 yards until everyone has completed all 19 reps. Upon reaching the end of the field (50 yards) sprint back to mid-field and complete 10 burpees as a team. The first team to finish has scored. That team (Offense) will then have a choice to go for a 1 or 2 point conversion:

    1 Point conversion – Each team chooses a pax member to complete a 20 yard bear crawl and then sprint back to midfield. The winner determines whether or not the conversion was successful.

    2 Point conversion – Each team chooses a pax member to complete a 30 yard bear crawl and then sprint back to midfield. The winner determines whether or not the conversion was successful.

    We completed 4 rounds (4 quarters). That got us to 76 reps of each exercise which has us betting the “over” on Monday’s score which right now sits at 74.5. The 2 point conversion was selected after each score. Alabama won with a final score of 16 – 14.

    We finished up with everyone completing a lap around the school.

    Moles was our Six
    Welcome to our FNG, Termite, that Constanza brought out with him.

    Always an honor.



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