Northview High School (Faith Hill)
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Date(s) - 03/04/2019
5:30 am - 6:15 am
The Q:
Northview High School
Affectionately coined Faith Hill since it is one of the few hills in Toledo area. Bootcamp style workout that typically takes advantage of the hill during the 45 minute beatdown.
QIC: Colonel
Pax present: 13 total
Brita, Sipe, Klinger, Danica, Trinity, Mole, Tidwell, SILENT P, Dirty, Dauber, Norwood, Hedgehog, Mickey, Colonel
Arrived extremely early at 5:28:45 for the 0530 workout.
Pax was hype in the single digit weather and ready to get after it. Today is Courageous Followers Day according to a lengthy search on google for what March 4th is…. So YHC set up a beatdown that would require all to lead at points and all to follow at points – b/c what kind of leader can a man be if he has no followers…. And the more courageous/direct a follow you are the better the leader can be and vice versa.
YHC wanted to work on his cadence per the Nantan – Klinger so we did the following in cadence:
SSH and Merkins – did it all well except messed up the in cadence spot, dammit…
Jog form top of parking lot to around the wildcat and flag.
Pair up with comparable speed pax to push you and to be pushed:
Around the school – 3 burpees and then catch your partner. They drop/3 burpees and then catch, etc.
Wait for the 6 – 5 burpees, 5 merkins, 3 times then get he 6
Frog Hops around wildcat – 3 plank jump frog hop then frog hop chase like 1st exercise
Wait for the 6 – plank jack shoulder tap
Bear crawl around the flag/wildcat – other partner doing 5 squat tuck jumps
Repeato – burpee run but instead do 5 merkins on the drop/catch vs burpees
Next around wildcat/flag do bear crawl with frog hop plank jump thing times 3
Circle back up on top of lot and 10 burpees in cadence – textbook per Klinger #honored #gettingbetter
Trinity was the 6 and shared solid words about his grandmother that recently past – respect.
Great to see Norwood back at it, Great to see Silent P back out and respect to the 13 that posted and led as well as followed today!
Honored to Q and lead. Aye!
– Colonel