Side Cut Metropark (Hamburger Hill)
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Date(s) - 10/01/2018
5:45 pm - 6:30 pm
The Q:
Side Cut Metropark
Bootcamp style workout. Park on North lot by Silver Lake. Large MetroPark by the beautiful Maumee River. There are trails, playground equipment, large fields and parking lots. Plenty of room to explore this AO. Oh and did we mention the sledding hill. You will often find the Toledo PAX getting full use of this elevation…and you will soon understand why this is called Hamburger Hill!
3 pax
Huckleberry, Paperboy, Q – Bagels
• Warmup
o Side straddle hop (Jumping jacks) in cadence x20
o Michael Phelps
o Windmills in cadence x20
• Core
o Run to hill, bear crawl up, then back to flag
o Toe touches x20 each side
o Mountain climbers x20 each side
o Big boy sit-ups
o Plank 1-minute
• Arms
o Run to hill, bear crawl up, then back to flag
o Regular merkins x25
o Run to benches
o Incline merkins x10 up, x10 down
o Tricep dips x10
• Legs
o Run to hill, bear crawl up, then back to flag
o Lunge to trees
o Wall sit 90 seconds
o Squats x25
o High Knees x20
o Monkey Humper x20
o Bunny hop to flag
• Cardio
o Run to hill, bear crawl up, then back to flag
o Run to benches
o Jump on bench and back x20
o Donkey kick x15
• Core round 2
o Run to hill, bear crawl up, then back to flag
o Bicycle in cadence to 30
o LBC (little baby crunch) to 40
o Plank 30 seconds each side
o American Hammers x50