Southview High School (Fuse)
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Date(s) - 10/13/2018
6:30 am - 7:30 am
The Q:
Southview High School
Date(s) - 10/13/2018
6:30 am - 7:30 am
The Q:
Southview High School
Q: Colonel
Pax posting: (14, no FNGs) Tidwell, Oz, Brita, Costeau, Trinity, Abu, Ollie, Chapo, Cogsworth, Minnie, Buttermaker, Dirty, Belding, Colonel
Weather: wet, damp, moist, cool
The Thang:
Since the Fuse is consistently coined as the running AO YHC decided to surprise the brave pax that posted with some weight-age. After principles and disclaimer warmed up with mosey around both parking lots.
Set up stations of the following:
Frog Hops (~30 yds and back)
Lunges with 40 lbs overhead (~30 yds and back)
20 lb dumbbell manmakers
25 lb slam ball
60 lb sandbag curls
50 lb Kettlebell Goblet squats
60 lb sand bag run carrying it on one shoulder (~50 yds) switch to other shoulder and run back. This was the timer for all exercises but they had to do it twice
15 lb slam ball
25 lb DB squat thrusters
35 lb KB swings
40 lb overhead lunges
frog hops
Did 2 rounds of above and then had pax line up for some beast action
Run to each cone (3 cones) and at each cone do 7 burpees and then wait for 6 and run back
Run to each cone and at each cone do 7 plank jack shoulder taps and then wait for 6 and run back
Run to each cone and at each cone do 7 hand release merkins, plank for 6 and run back.
COR, NOR, COT led by YHC
Trinity was the 6 and as expected he had some strong words before closing out to the Sky Q.
Honor to lead and respect to the pax that crushed this one!!!! Don’t doubt the Fuse or any AO in the Toledo region!