Northview High School (Faith Hill)
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Date(s) - 12/31/2018
5:30 am - 6:15 am
The Q:
Northview High School
Date(s) - 12/31/2018
5:30 am - 6:15 am
The Q:
Northview High School
Dawn Patrol
QIC – Dauber
PAX 35 – Rose,Goose, Load, Gap, Nails, Ticket, Oz, Mercy, Tidwell, Scrooge, Minnie, Brita, Splinter, Bagels, Mater, Cousteau, Pixar, Tweety, Rabbitt, Colonel,Mickey, Mole, Bullock, Mailman, Beaker, Greenpeace, Socrates, Hedgehog, Jeter, Trinity, Danica, Kitty, Dirty, Houdini,
Prologue – My original idea of Dawn Patrol was thrown out on its ass after the HCs reached the mid 20s. I believed I had too many moving parts and would have needed a UHaul truck to get the amount of gear needed to make it work. Plus I thought my last Q at the Fuse was an absolute shitshow (imagine CaddyShack II as a beatdown). So I decided to keep it simple (with the IQ level of the majority of the this PAX that is always a good idea).
The complexity was instead poured into the setlist ( Mountain, Barry White, Beastie Boys, Neil Young, too name a few). With help from the owner of the 419’s best mustache – Hedgehog this pig was ready to get kicked in the balls.
SCENE 1 – warm up Shipping Up to Boston plays in the background, as a man who looks like Vince Vaughan on the Supersize Me Diet introduces F3, reviews the 5 core principles, and leads the PAX in SSH and X-country skiers.. The 20 down concept is then explained: Start at the top the hill 20 merkins, 20 LBCs, 20 4-count squats as a PAX in cadence, then another member of the PAX will have to step up and lead the same three exercises (19 count) after we mosey to the bottom. This pattern will continue until we reach 1.
SCENE 2 – Brita gives Dauber shit for “giving up the Q and all responsibility”. Apparently able to see through the “Guys have to Step Up” ruse as nothing but a shield that protects YTC from having to lead cadence for 40 minutes.
SCENE 3- Dirty grabs a cinderblock when performing his squats. If there was a Teabag Event in the Olympics, he would be a gold medal contender. Although I am not sure if it would be in the Greco-Roman or Freestyle categories.
SCENE 4 – Stealing is the sincerest form of flattery – so I borrow the Feet, Belly, Back from Romano. After explaining the gist – whatever body part is called out should be on the ground (in a reasonably quick manner). The PAX circles up and the order is passed upon the left hand side ( ala Musical Youth). Unfortunately, some members of the PAX are “quiet talkers” and fail to realize their whispers do not travel 100 yards so Feet, Belly, Back goes off about as well as Jeb Bush’s Presidential Bid.
SCENE 5 – Circle up for CoR (35 – nine less than Trinity and another serious blow to both my ego and psyche). NoR – formal handshakes all around. Discussion was held if HJs will count as 1 or 2 points for the Winter Challenge – no quorum was held so the HJ motion did not pass. Amazingly we were able to pull it back together for intentions (Houdini’s wife, our troops and first responders) and a reflection to continue stepping up at home and in the community in 2-19.
SCENE 6 (On the cutting room floor) – The cinderblock relay- Coming SOOn to an AO near you.