The Oasis (Close Park)

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Date(s) - 02/13/2021
6:30 am - 7:30 am

The Q:

Close Park


boot camp, Toledo

Boot camp style workout.

Typical routine: warm-up with Merkins, stretching, side-straddle-hops, etc.  Then proceed to the playground equipment and/or field for running mixed with strength training.  Finish off with the C.O.P (circle of pain) for merkins, planks, ab work, supermans, etc.

SATURDAYS always followed up with 2nd F (fellowship) at Executive Diner on Sylvania.

1 reply
  1. DBirsen
    DBirsen says:

    Event: Freezer Bowl

    Mr. Hand
    Wild Sprayer
    Jimmy Dean
    Cobra Commander

    7 Burpees
    27 Merkins
    59 LBC
    82 SSH

    Running 75 yards and back

    Numerous cadence exercise and various counts
    1 minute burpee challenge won by Socrates with 22
    1 minute sit up challenge tie between Gap and Socrates with 45

    Know the Six: Cobra Commander positive and encouraging words recalling how fortunate he feels to be in USA and appreciates the welcoming he received. Thankful for F3 and all the folks from diverse backgrounds

    Commenced with COT with prayer intention for Beaker and others close to us struggling with illness, spiritual and mental strife,

    Thanks to all men who can out this morning to share in an hour of Fitness. On to Fellowship.

    2nd F at the Exec. There to share some good times were
    Jimmy Dean, Mulcahey, Socrates, Mr. Hand, Gap, Cobra Commander and Sideshow


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