Stone Wolfe (Timberstone Jr. High)

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Date(s) - 09/18/2019
5:30 am - 6:15 am

The Q:

Timberstone Jr High


boot camp, Sylvania

Bootcamp style workout that uses the track, plenty of open grass, and a large parking lot. Meet at the basketball courts!

1 reply
  1. Anonymous
    Anonymous says:

    “Just another Stone Wolfe Beatdown” September 18, 2019

    The idea for today was to get a full body workout in, over eight stations with one movement per station focused on upper body, one on lower body, one on core, and one full body move. We broke into groups of 4 and did each move for one minute, with 10 seconds of rest between moves and time to get to the next station after each group completed all four movements within one station.

    The Thang:

    Station 1 – Partner Push Sled, Bonnie Blair, Flutter Kick
    Station 2 – Buster Poseys, Merkin/Row, Ball Slams, Crossover Situps
    Station 3 – Bulgarian Squats, Farmer Carries, Ball Dump, Plank Elbow to Knee
    Station 4 – Alternating Lunges, Burpees, Bear Crawl Kettlebell Drag, Plan Hold
    Station 5 – Basketball Lunges, Cinder Block Swings, Dips, Raise Leg Toe Touch
    Station 6 – Jump Squat, Cinder Block Press, Pull Ups, American Hammers
    Station 7 – Sandbag Squat, Hand Release Merkins, Big Boy Situps, Jump Rope
    Station 8 – Battle Ropes, Lieutenant Dans, Shoulder Flies, Leg Raises

    Count O Rama: 32

    Name O Rama: Hedgehog, Cogsworth, Brute, Castanza, Dr. Nick, Shadow, Poodle, Uber, Brita, Crab Legs, Dominican, Johnny, Minnie,Rabbit, Klinger, Splinter, Tucky, Bullock, Valdez, Bubbles, Beaker, Commodus, Sipe, Mailman, 7 FNGs, Mole as Q.

    John “Uncle Buck” Kessinger – he is a deer hunter
    Dave “Merman” Mulcahey – played water polo in college
    Mark “Hot Shot” McGinnis – Given after the movie Hot Shots, Mark served 24 years on the SEAL teams.
    Mike “The Norwegian” Brown – Grew up in Alaska
    Kyle “Captain Crunch” Kearcher – Grew up in Kalamazoo
    Jim “Shank” Bell – Played college golf
    Spence “Stoner” Stone – An obvious play on the last name.

    COT: We gave thanks for our country, asked for protection for our military and first responders. We asked for healing for those that are hurting and recovering from injury.

    It is always an honor to lead. This beatdown was a little extra special for me. Five of the FNGs are either work for my company, GPRS, as they were in town for a leadership summit. Mark McGinnis led a group of us in a 30 hour Navy SEAL hell week program – it was great to show him F3. Stoner was a part of the team that participated in the Navy SEAL hell week program.

    Check. Mole


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