The Trek from Pride Rock to the Elephant Graveyard (Pride Rock) – 2/21/18


PAX (13)- Gap, Hedgehog, Klinger, Sipe, Brita, Colonel, Gadget, Mickey, H2, Bagels, Pixar, Belding, Oz

Total Mileage: 3.4 miles

The Thang: After reviewing the core principles of F3, the Pax would take off on a run to the Elephant Graveyard (Sylvania Water Tower) and back measuring roughly 1 mile. The beatdown would be performed under a selection of fine tunes determined by the Pax earlier in the day.

Pax would then lineup in the parking lot of pride rock for a ladder series of runs / exercises.

– 10 burpees – 100 yard sprint
– 20 merkins – 200 yard sprint
– 30 American Hammers- 300 yard sprint
– 40 Plank Shoulder Taps- 400 yard sprint
– 30 Klinger Kicks- 300 yard sprint
– 20 Diamond Merkins – 200 yard sprint
– 10 burpees – 100 yard sprint

After the ladder was completed the Pax ventured off for a return run to the Elephant Graveyard to complete another 1 mile run.

Beatdown would finish with “Pax choice” exercise followed by sprints.

– 10 Burpees (Brita) – 100 yard sprint
– 20 Bicycle Kicks (Mickey) – 200 yard sprint
– 30 Jump Lunges (Hedgehog) – 300 yard sprint

COT – Colonel received the honor of “get to know your 6” and spoke of his experience in bringing F3 to Toledo and the Miracle it has become.

Prayers for Gap’s uncle, Brita’s father and the Troops who protect our freedom. Always an honor to lead this group of men.

Pre-beatdown 5K Run (Pride Rock) – 2/21/18

3.3 mile run with average pace of 8:04 per mile. Trail was covered by deep 3-inch puddles from recent rain, but that did not stop us!

Q – Bagel

7 pax:

Prayer intentions for Brita’s dad.

Wet ‘N’ Wild Wednesday (Atalanta) – 2/21/18

We had fun in the rain today! These are the brave souls that came today: Bambi, Jennay, Tupac, Shakira, Mr. Bean and the Q, Landslide. We had to modify as we did our interval training in the parking lot. Our sprints were approximately 75 yards. We would run in one direction and do a chest exercise, take our recovery time of walking 25 yards and then sprint back 75 yards, do an ab exercise and walk 25 yards for a recovery. At the end of the sprint where we did chest exercises, the exercises were 1) 25 merkins 2) 10 burpees 3) 25 diamond merkins 4) 10 burpees 5) 25 South Carolina merkins 6) 10 burpees 7) 25 swimmer merkins 8) 10 burpees. At the end of the sprint for the ab exercises, they were 1) 25 LBC’s 2) 10 starfish situps 3) 25 V situps 4) 10 starfish situps 5) 25 American hammers 6) 10 starfish situps 7) 25 LBC’s 8) 10 starfish situps. After this set, for 20 minutes, we played ultimate Frisbee in the mud, in the puddles and on a drenched field.

Body Weight Strength and Running Workout (Stone Wolfe) – 2/21/18

Sorry for the late post. 15 members of the pax were present at the gloom 2/21/18:
Cogsworth (Q)
The five core principles of F3 were presented at 5:30 AM.
We ran 400 meters in a single line while doing an Indian run describing unique descriptions about ourselves. We learned very interesting things about our PAX. In between every run, various exercises were conducted as a group. At the end, we ran 2.5 miles. At the COT we prayed for families having difficulty starting a family, patients with loved ones, and for the families in Florida most recent shooting.

Teleport Us to Florida – Ruck (The Ruckus) -2/20/18

24 pax Including:
Brita, Chapo, Mailman, Mad Dog, Honeymoon, Ollie, Klinger, Sipe, Cogsworth, Fro, Ozzie, Android, Fud, Colonel, Scrooge, Rhianna, Danica, Mr. Belding, Splinter, Mickey, Kitty, Mayor and Pixar

Ruck: 3.1 miles in the warm, gray, misty gloom. Coupons were a “game time” decision. Splinter and Colonel agreed to the plan. The rain held off when we arrived, so coupons were “on”.

We rucked the “junior golf club” shaped course starting at Harroun Park. See my twitter account @vince_palko

Four quick bursts of exercise every half mile – packs on – 20 squats, 20 Merkins w 20 sec pause after the first 10, 20 squat-presses and 25 Klinger kicks.

Left last “burst” of exercise out of last mile as we needed to get back to our start point.

“Get to know the 6”: Ollie
He shared that “the hardest person to lead is yourself”. Really grateful he shared this. My take:,We don’t have any problem helping our brothers out with how they might handle life but how often are we looking in the mirror to lead ourselves to do what’s right, all the time. Only the man in the mirror knows the answer.

– Prayer intentions
– Android: had seven but only shared two: Eagle Scout committed suicide – Billy, 19
– Sister in law, Val broke arm this morning
– Brita’s dad, Phill. Going in for scan. Wed gets result back
Lifted up these intentions. Shared with the PAX I’ve read books on the afterlife and the one constant in all is that heaven amazing place. Hard to put to earthly descriptors… including music from scores of heavenly angels and wondrous colors not any any art pallet on earth. I didn’t plan on sharing this but was drawn to based on some of the intentions. It’s not to take away how challenging death is but wanted to focus on what was positive about “passing.”

On a lighter note… ‘Twas an honor leading you into a toasty Ruck this morning and not have to peel off 4 layers of clothing when we returned.

“Good shit, boys!”

– Pixar

Ruck, Mumble, Mumble, Bark… Meh (The Caddyshack) – 2/20/18

In the first spring weather day of 2018, 9 PAX showed up to ruck as the deer left the park. It was almost as though they knew something was about to go down and wanted to get out of the way.

Jimmy Dean started the 5 core principles and then got distracted by two more cars rolling in. Now the PAX was at full strength at 11 men. The 5 core principles were finished, courtesy of Bluto helping YHC. We reviewed the mission of F3 and Dauber grabbed the flag to get the ruck started.

There was much mumble chatter around Mother Rucker’s ranger panties and his ivory legs. When he ran up to the front to grab the flag and Stamper’s headlamp shone on them, the PAX were taken aback and had to shield their eyes from the horrific sight.

Our eyes recovered just in time to wade through the deep waters that crossed the path. As our feet got wet, we knew that something special was about to happen.

After we crossed the bridge, the PAX that had been on a Go Ruck Tough suddenly were hit with fear and panic. They rubbed their eyes and took a second look at a giant tree that had fallen across our path. They waited with sweaty palms and a nervous look, waiting to see if Jimmy Dean would have them pick up the tree. Though the desire was there to do so, YHC, decided it best to clear the way and move on.

Despite concerns about upsetting the local park rangers for doing their work for them, we decided to move the log to clear the path. The rest of the PAX breathed a sigh of relief and smiled as we continued on.

When the lights of Promedica came into view, we knew we were at the end of our time. We headed back to the parking lot where YHC made the PAX partner up and do a ladder of squats. One person took a turn doing 1, then the other did 1, all the way up to 10 and repeating 10 back down to 1.

Lots of men in the PAX have/are making career changes to become better men and to better take care of their families. We ended with COR, NOR, COT and BOM.

Q: Jimmy Dean

PAX: Romano, Balco, Rooster, Ticket, Modell, Mother Rucker, Bluto, Stamper, Gap, and Dauber

The Thang: Rucked 3.38 miles along the paved path around Ottawa Park. Upon arrival back at the Police Museum, we used the last few minutes to do a partner ladder of squats 1-10 and back down 10-1.

COT: The Wood family, Balco’s job hunt, families of the school shooting in Florida, the man who fell at the Go Ruck Heavy, and the troops.

0>60 in 50 Minutes 🏁 (The Necropolis) – 2/20/18

Q Flo
PAX Jennay, Stark, Casper, Bourbon, Tupac, Bambi, Woodstock & Buttermaker

Mission & Principles
COR (9) and then counted off by twos to form two columns. Using one minute timed intervals we alternated coupons consisting of one 60# sandbag and three pairs of 30# dumbbells (used to do farmer walks/carries). Column 1 passed their coupons to column 2 and shifted forward one row. Then column 2 did the same thing after their one minute interval. So each PAX had either 0# or 60# based on the timing.
The ruck covered 3.2 miles in 56 minutes for a 17:30 per mile pace. Ended in a COT with Woodstock as our six. Happy 37th b-day to Woodstock! A few PAX joined him at the end to do 37 burpees. Aye!

President’s Day Workout (Faith Hill) – 2/19/18

President’s Day 2018 Workout #45
27 Post. No FNGs

Ollie/Dauber/El Chapo/Mater/Mickey/Klinger/Froman/Colonel/Ozzie/Brita/Trinity/Ticket/Side Show/Glitch/Romano/Hedge Hog/Fudd/Mad Dog/Honeymoon/Pixar/Splinter/Jimmy Dean/Mother Rucker/Kitty/Stark/Gap/Brute

Started with a lap around NV high school
Count off into 4 groups

Station 1: Top of the Hill
Set 1: 45 Squats
Set 2: 45 Jump Squats
Set 3: 45 Squats
Set 4: 45 Jump Squats

Station 2: Back Parking Lot
Set 1: 45 Lunges
Set 2: 45 Mt Climbers 2 is 1
Set 3: 2 Sets of Wall Sits 45 seconds each set
Set 4: 45 Jump Lunges

Station 3: Pool
Set 1: 45 LBC
Set 2: 45 Full Sit ups
Set 3: 45 Pedal Pushers
Set 4: 45 American Hammers 2 is 1

Station 4: Over by trees
Set 1: 45 Merkens
Set 2: 45 Diamond Merkens
Set 3: 45 Wide Merkens
Set 4: 45 Merkens

Five total laps around school, should equate to 2.15 miles. The theme was 45: 45 Presidents: 45 Minute Work out with 45 Reps. Glad to get out and Q, first Q of 2018 for me.
COT: Prayers for South Florida, Recent fallen F3 Brother/Dauber’s niece and Fudd’s children. Thanks always to the troops for their sacrifice.

Presidential Beatdown (The Gauntlet) – 2/19/18

The Presidential Beatdown,

Wet and wicked weather to start off the week – just the way we like it! 14 (yes, 14!) PAX posted in some of the crappiest weather we have had in a while. PAX: bambi, bourbon, buttermaker, casper, landslide, Mr. Bean, poodle, peepers, rooster, Spaulding, tupac, venom, virus, woodstock (Q)

First things first – to be president, you have to RUN for office, and its kind of a rat race. The conspiracy theorists would say presidents are handpicked line of succession. To simulate, we did an Indian run. Warm up will be a 1/4 mile or so regular run, then we will line up and Indian run around the AO. Just like running for office, we ran into some REALLY slippery spots – luckily no one was injured, but everyone was wet.

Back to where we started – 4 stations, partnered up. Thanks to PAX for fixing YHC’s inability to partner up correctly.
thang 1 – 4 stations, 45 presidents, so 45 reps is the expectation
Station 1) 45 Power merkins each (PAX 1 planks with feet on PAX 2’s back. PAX 2 does merkins, then switch) (YHC miscalculated how hard these are when using 40-50 lb 2.0’s instead of grown men)
Station 2) Colonel Trautman – PAX 1 does prescribed exercise and reps while PAX 2 does AMRAP pullups, then switch. Repeat for all prescribed exercises. Exercises were: 10 burpees, 10 diamond merkins, 10 burpees, 10 carolina dry docks, 5 burpees.
Station 3) Squerkin (partner holds your feet and squats while you push) – These really challenge your core, your timing, and your rythym. Lots of fun!
Station 4) partner carry (prox 45 yards). didnt think THIS would be the easiest part.

Thang 2 – circle up on the playground and pay homage to our government.
1) 45 monkey humpers in cadence.
2) 45 pickle pounders in cadence.
3) AT PAX’s request, knocked out 5 cadence burpees to get to 30 for Stark’s burpee challenge.
4) 45 more monkey humpers, in cadence.

Skipped planned Guantanamo due to all PAX being thoroughly soaked, smoked and out of time.

Ended in the COT, Virus was the 6 (EH credit to Tickets wife), and offered up prayers for expectant fathers, sick family members, those traveling, and that everyone stays healthy through this rain and has a great week.

One Hit Wonders (The Fuse) – 2/18/18

Q – Hedgehog
PAX – Sipe, Modell, Gap, Scrooge, Hedgehog
F3 – Core Principals

The Thang: 5 stations (tunes by one hit wonders from the 80’s & 90’s)

#1 – 20 band bicep curls, sprint 80 yards, 20 merkins, sprint back
#2 – 20 band tricep extensions, sprint 80 yards, 20 merkins, sprint back
#3 – 20 band squats, sprint 80 yards, 20 merkins, sprint back
#4 – 20 seated band rows , sprint 80 yards, 20 merkins, sprint back
#5 – 20 burpees, sprint 80 yards, 20 merkins, sprint back

Repeato above

#1 – 40 band bicep curls, sprint 80 yards, 20 merkins, sprint back
#2 – 40 band tricep extensions, sprint 80 yards, 20 merkins, sprint back
#3 – 40 band squats, sprint 80 yards, 20 merkins, sprint back
#4 – 40 seated band rows , sprint 80 yards, 20 merkins, sprint back
#5 – 40 jump lunges, sprint 80 yards, 20 merkins, sprint back

40 band press outs
60 banded mountain climbers

Repeato above

COT: countorama, nameorama, “know your 6” Modell, prayer intentions