Northview High School (Faith Hill)
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Date(s) - 11/12/2018
5:30 am - 6:15 am
The Q:
Northview High School
Date(s) - 11/12/2018
5:30 am - 6:15 am
The Q:
Northview High School
Monday, November 12, 2018. Faith Hill.
19 PAX posted for today’s beatdown, “Prediction – Pain” on a balmy 27 degree morning.
This was a Rocky themed workout and we had the soundtrack playing for an additional source of motivation. It was made clear early the idea behind this was to push the PAX hard and this was going to be a challenging beatdown.
Mole was the Q and at 5:30am, we went through the 5 principles and instructed everyone to modify as needed. We started with 25 Side Straddle Hops in cadence and a brief run to the bottom of the hill. Most of the work today was done at the bottom of the hill on the cool frosted grass.
Burpee/Mountain Climber combo for 4 minutes.
Walking Lunges up and down the hill for 3 minutes.
Plank knee to elbow/chin/opposite elbow 5 second holds for 2 minutes.
Hand Release Merkins for 1 minute.
Hill runs – up and down for 4 minutes.
Big Boy Sit Ups for 3 minutes.
Air Squats for 2 minutes.
Alternating Staggered Merkins for 1 minute.
Bear Crawls for 4 minutes
Leg Raises for 3 minutes
Broad Jumps for 2 minutes
Walking Merkins (Down, up plank walk to the right x 2, repeato to the left x 2) for 1 minute.
Sprint up the hill, and that is a RAK.
• Count-O-Rama: 19
• Name-O-Rama: Pixar, Ollie, Scrooge, Minnie, Jeter, Bagels, Brita, Tidwell, Hedgehog, Commodus, Kitty, Beaker, Billy Bob, Mater,
Tweety, Mick, Colonel, 1 FNG (Juice), Mole as Q.
• Know the 6: Bagels – strong words of encouragement on being part of F3 since its start in Toledo and on the progress he has made.
• FNG – Brian Hede – Juice. Kitty quickly came up with OJ, because the FNG showed up with no gloves today, but we landed on Juice.
• Prayer Intentions – We prayed for a sylvania child who is battling cancer, for Jeter’s buddy who is recovering from injury, and for Kitty’s
grandfather as he is in hospice care. We asked for guidance in our leadership and that we would let the light of
Christ shine through us in our words and actions.
It is always a privilege and honor to lead. Thanks to the 19 who pushed through the pain to claim victory this morning.