Truths and Ladders (The Gauntlet) – 2/12/18

QIC  – Stark
PAX – Venom, Virus. Bambi. Peepers, TuPac, Landslide, Buttermaker (post 99!), Bourbon, Woodstock, Casper
Q source Truths
“Within F3 a leader is called the Q, which is a man who takes responsibility for the outcome.

Because F3 is an organization OF leaders rather than an organization with leaders, every man is asked and expected to be a Q, both within F3 and in the other groups in which he is a member outside of F3. This call to leadership arises from F3’s Mission , which is to plant, serve and grow men’s small workout groups in order to invigorate male community leadership.

Some outcomes are envisioned beforehand by the Q while others are thrust upon him by unexpected and sudden circumstance. For envisioned outcomes, the Q can anticipate and get prepared for what will be expected of him to be effective. But the Q cannot do that for unexpected outcomes because they come upon him suddenly—for those outcomes he must already be prepared to be effective.

To effectively respond to both the envisioned and circumstance-driven outcomes that arise along his path, the Q must gradually but consistently accelerate his Preparedness through four distinct quadrants: Get Right, Live Right, Lead Right and Leave Right (the G3L).”

“• GET RIGHT (Q1): to properly align himself the Q takes the Daily Red Pill (the DRP). This is his daily commitment to accelerate his fitness, fellowship and faith.”

1.) “SmackDown” , “Undefeated”, “Welcome to Jungle” TOTAL TIME – 11:33
A.) Plank Get Ups
B.) V ups
C.) Side Plank Burpees

“• LIVE RIGHT (Q2): to be purposeful the Q focuses on IMPACT. This is the forcible contact to strong effect that the Q will have on the other members of his groups if his personal alignment is proper.”

2.) “Courtesy Call”, “Good Man” , “In Chains” TOTAL TIME – 11:37
A.) Dips
B.) Box jumps or step ups
C.) Twister Burpees

“• LEAD RIGHT (Q3): to practice effective leadership, the properly aligned and purposeful Q continually hones the skills he needs to enable his communities to be healthy, his organizations to be effective and his teams to be dynamic.”

3.) “Push”, “Born for Greatness”, “Feel Invincible” TOTAL TIME – 11:59
A.) Single leg dead lift
B.) Good Morning
C.) Candlestick Burpees

Time ran out and left PAX with homework to finish last ladder on own. Can choose own song(s) Approx 10 mins required.

“• LEAVE RIGHT (Q4): to build a legacy, the aligned and purposeful Q exerts disruptive leadership with IMPACT throughout his lifetime and beyond.”

4.) “Immortal Mega Mix” 9:09
A.) Plank Tucks
B.) Decline Merkins
C.) 8 count body builders Burpees

Ladder levels. Here are the reps for the most common ladder levels reached
Level 7 – 28 REPS per exercise
Level 8 – 36 REPS
Level 9 – 45 REPS
Level 10 – 55 REPS
Level 11 – 66 REPS

Ended with Count-o-rama, Name-o-rama, Burpon was 6. COT continued prayers for the PAX with 2.0’s on the way, quick recovery for Zod, job changes, Tupac important work day, and left a message to go through day with humility. YHC used his favorite quote about be humble, “Being humble does not mean thinking less of yourself, it simply means thinking about yourself less”

Cardio on a Sunday? ABSolutely! (The Fuse) – 2/11/18

Q – Gap

PAX – Sipe, Jimmy Dean, H2, Mayor, Tupac, Casper, Modell, Balco, Poodle

Opening – Brief rundown of F3 purpose, principles and agenda.

Warmup – Side straddle hops, Run a lap.

The Thang –

PAX maintained a rotation of wall sit/wall jump/wall high knee kicks while each member of the group took a lap around the light poles in the back-parking lot.

(20 Each Leg) Lunge
(20) Burpees
(20) Merkins
Run a Lap

(15 Each Leg) Lunge
(15) Burpees
(15) Merkins
Run a Lap

(40) American Hammers
(20) Plank up/downs – Plank Jacks hybrid
(40) LBC’s
Run a Lap

(40) American Hammers
(20) Plank up/downs – Plank Jacks hybrid
(50) LBC’s (Jimmy Dean request for 10 more!)
Run a Lap

COT – Prayers for Sideshow’s mother/family, Balco in his job search, for the troops, care and caution for the upcoming ice storm and driving. A reminder to complete the Cherry Street Mission survey so we can show our support for the community and this organization.

Sunday Pre-Beatdown Ruck (The Fuse) – 2/11/18

Q – Gap

PAX – Jimmy Dean, Tupac, Sipe, Casper, Balco

Opening – Brief rundown of F3 purpose, principles and agenda.

The Thang –

No coupon or p/t ruck covering 3.27 miles in 51:54 for an average pace of 15’49” per mile.

COT – Prayers of comfort/healing for Sideshow’s mother. Prayers for Balco as he continues on his job search.

Just Playing in the Snow (The Fuse) – 2/10/18

The Fuse Beatdown 2/10/18

Q: Wake
PAX: Ozzie, Cogsworth, Honeymoon, Pixar, Splinter, Trinity, Brute, Nails, Mary Lou, Rihanna, Ollie

The group circled up for the 5 Core Principles, Disclaimer and a brief overview of the work that would commence. We began with a mosey to the practice field from the parking lot, and ran an outline of the work zone. The freshly fallen 8 inches of untouched snow added a challenge, and a beautiful sight under the yard lights.

Again, we circled up for the warmup which consisted of the following:

25 side straddle hops – 4 count in cadence
30 merkins – 2 count in cadence
25 flutter kicks – 4 count in cadence
1 quick lap

PAX lined up shoulder to shoulder to count off by fours. When numbers were established and explanations were complete, 1s to one corner, 2s to the next corner, 3s to the next corner, 4s to the last corner.

Corner 1: 10 mountain climbers 4 count in cadence
Corner 2: 5 downhill skiers 4 count in cadence
Corner 3: 5 jump lunges each leg in cadence
Corner 4: 10 squat jumps in cadence

In between each corner, PAX run to center for 10 body builders (8 count burpees in cadence)

After being in the center PAX ran back to corner they just came from, and proceeded to run a lap around each corner stopping at the next corner.

We completed all of the above until each corner was done once. We had enough time remaining so we completed two more stations.

On our way back to the parking lot we stopped behind the bleachers and lined up in plank position head to feet for a 12-Man snake bear crawl. Once finished we moseyed back to the parking lot.

Once back to the shovel flag, YHC played the song “Born for Greatness” by Papa Roach. When the phrase “born for greatness” was sung the PAX did a burpee. While we waited for the phrase, we held Al Gore.

Ended in COT with COR and NOR. The 6 today was Trinity. YHC encouraged the PAX to be great based on the lyrics of the song. Be great at home, at work and in the community. However, it doesn’t need to be touted, and doesn’t have to be extravagant. 5 or 10 minutes with a 2.0 could seem like the greatest thing to them. All PAX, not just those in attendance should check out the song for a little encouragement.

Prayer requests for BOM:
Sideshow’ Mom
Patience with emotions
Sincere love and discernment

A Beatdown to Start and Back (The Oasis) – 2/10/18

Q – Gap

PAX – Meatloaf, Dauber, Simple Jack, Gadget, Worm, Mayor, Ticket, Rocco, Modell, Bluto, Mercy, Mother Rucker, Johvon “Jingle Bells” Ford – FNG

Opening – Brief rundown of F3 purpose, principles and agenda.

Warmup – Side straddle hops

The Thang –
Moseyed to the Start High School parking lot to begin the first part of the beatdown.

First aisle – Imperial Walkers (15 each leg), then air squat rotating twist to the opposite end where we completed Mountain Climbers (15 each leg). Hold plank for the six.

Second aisle – Imperial Walkers (15 each leg), then lunge to the opposite end where we completed Mountain Climbers (15 each leg). Hold plank for the six.

Third aisle – Imperial Walkers (15 each leg), then high knees to the opposite end where we completed Mountain Climbers (15 each leg). Hold plank for the six.

Moseyed back to the Oasis meeting at the playground. Al Gores waiting on the six.

All members of the PAX assumed plank position with one member at the pull up bars. Member called out on pull up while the rest of PAX went down and counted off. Member would complete reps up to ten then rotated to next member until all PAX completed pull ups.

Mosey to the parking lot where we completed:

American Hammers (20 each side)
Big Boy Sit ups (30 each)
Plank up downs “Stump Huggers” (20 each)
Air Squats (30 each)
Side Straddle Hops (20 Each)

COT – Prayers for Sideshow’s mom, Meatloaf’s cousin, a prayer of thankfulness, for the troops who make it possible through their sacrifice, and those unspoken. Reminder to complete Cherry Street Mission survey, look for future shoe donation opportunity coming up and to keep EHing new members while reaching out to those who haven’t posted lately.

2nd F at Executive Diner

Bluto’s Homecoming Ruck (The Oasis) – 2/10/18


Pax: Dauber, Ticket, Gap, Mercy, Modell, Mother Rucker & Bluto

The Thang: the goal of this ruck was to get in 3 miles of rucking goodness in about 15 minutes. I didn’t want this to be a lame walk in the park so I asked Mother Rucker to bring some sandbags. So, we added 3 coupons weighing 40, 60 & 80lbs respectively. Adding coupons to a ruck in West Toledo wasn’t the best idea as all the snow from the previous day had created some rough terrain. Luckily the 7 of us manned up and humped those coupons down Grantwood and back around to Castlewood. We got to see Bluto’s childhood home, the house where the first girl he kiss lived, and the house where one of Bluto’s best moments of his 8th year of life happened. We then turned down Roanoke and proceeded down Sylvania Ave. we saw suck historical West Toledo landmarks as the former Nettys, Cosmic Creations Comic shop, Kids Again Collectibles, CD underground, Red Wells and Hollywood Dream Factory. These were all places that Bluto frequented as a kid that are all gone now. We then took a left down Tremainsville and trekked through knee high snow in some parts. We saw Black Diamond, where Bluto worked for 4 years, and then proceeded back to the AO for Gap’s beatdown.

We finished with Namearama, Counterama and a quick COT.

Great job everyone pushing through these less than ideal conditions and hats off to Mercy who posted for his first ever ruck!

Yeah bro, we’re rucking in the morning (The Fuse) – 2/10/18

2/10/18 Fuse Pre-Ruck Backblast

PAX: The Mickey, Jimmy Dean, Trinity, Wake, Hedgehog, Ollie, Splinter, Nails, Mary Lou, Honeymoon, Ozzie, The Colonel
Q: Klinger (with an assist from The Colonel)

Weather: 22 degrees, 14 degree wind chill, 4.5 mph wind from NNE

13 PAX set the alarm an hour early and showed up for the pre-ruck. Luckily, the predicted Snowpocalypse on Friday only had about half the punch expected, so conditions weren’t too bad. A little slushy/icy on the sides of the roads but we ere able to manage.

We started with F3’s 5 core principles and a disclaimer. YHC let the PAX know that he would have to cut out about 15 minutes early and asked for someone to step up and Q the last portion, including the COT. Thankfully, The Colonel felt up to the challenge! With all that out of the way, Wake grabbed the shovel flag, and the rucking commenced.

We made our way along Cougar Lane to King Road and headed South. Once we made it to the Bike Path, we turned East and continued along said path. At the 22:30 mark, we made a 180 degree turn and re-traced our steps. At the intersection of King Rd and Cougar Ln, YHC passed the torch to The Colonel. The PAX continued on for another 15 minutes and eventually made it back to the start point. COT was completed prior to the start of the Fuse.

Great to get out and put some miles in with you men. Neat to see all the fun conversations that people were having, especially Ozzie and Honeymoon. They were pretty far behind so they were a little fuzzy, but it seemed like they were enjoying it! AYE!

Let the Good Times Roll (The Fortress) – 2/10/18

Date: 02/10/2018
Time: 7:00 – 8:00 AM
Location: Fort Imagination – Woodland Park

Q: Bourbon
PAX: 15 total – Raven, Coal, Bambi, Virus, Stark, Cobra, Tupac, Flo, Woodstock, Huffy, Rooster, Jennay, Spaulding, Sipe, Bourbon (Q)
F3 Mission: Fitness, Fellowship, Faith; To plant, serve and grow men’s small workout groups, in order to reinvigorate male community leadership
Principles of F3:
• It must be free of charge
• It must be open to all men
• It must be help outdoor, rain or shine, hot or cold
• It must be peer led in a rotating fashion by men who participate in the workout, with no training or certification necessary
• It must end with a Circle of Trust (COT)

Mosey to open field area. Conditions were cold, below freezing, and about 6” of snow on the ground. Q chose an open area with snow that had not been trampled on… yet.

Circled around Betty the Bell. PAX all performed 55 LBC’s to celebrate Tupac’s 55th birthday today. Then Q explained the rules of the Let the Good Times Roll beatdown.

Beatdown: 21 minutes of rolling dice; 8 minutes of core; 21 minutes of rolling dice
• Rolling dice: PAX form a circle. Start with one PAX who rolls all three dice. The first number corresponds to the exercise; the second number is the number of base reps; the third number is the multiplier of the base reps. For example: PAX rolls 1-3-4 = exercise one for 12 reps (3 reps x 4 multiplier). Entire PAX suffers the same routine based on each roll and gives 100% until 25% of PAX completes the exercise reps. Once you complete the exercise, you plank in the middle until 25% of PAX are planking. Once 25% complete, we move to the next member of the circle and repeat. For today’s beatdown, the magic number was 4, the first 3 to finish plank, then the fourth rings the bell, we reset and move on to next roll.
o Exercise 1: Merkins
o Exercise 2: Side Straddle Hops (4 count, in cadence)
o Exercise 3: Sprints
o Exercise 4: Lt. Dans
o Exercise 5: Burpees
o Exercise 6: Carolina Dry Docks

• Actual Dice Rolling workout based on PAX rolls of dice:
o 6 x Lt. Dans
o 12 x Burpees
o 4 x Sprints
o 4 x Lt. Dans
o 15 x Burpees
o 2 x Carolina Dry Docks
o 4 x Lt. Dans
o 24 x Side Straddle Hops (4-count, In Cadence)
o 2 x Burpees
o 24 x Side Straddle Hops (4-count, In Cadence)
o 9 x Burpees
o 16 x Lt. Dans
o 4 x Burpees
o 5 x Carolina Dry Docks
o 8 x Burpees
o 24 x Carolina Dry Docks
o 12 x Sprints
o 8 x Sprints
o 20 x Burpees
o 2 x Sprints
o 8 x Side Straddle Hops (4-count, In Cadence)
o 18 x Burpees
o 12 x Carolina Dry Docks
o 12 x Side Straddle Hops (4-count, In Cadence)
o 18 x Carolina Dry Docks
o 20 x Burpees
o 8 x Sprints
o 25 x Burpees
o 4 x Lt. Dans
o 8 x Lt. Dans
o 2 x Sprints
o 6 x Side Straddle Hops (4-count, In Cadence)
o 36 x Merkins

• Core workout:
o 60 LBC (little baby crunches)
o 50 American hammers
o 40 scissor kicks
o 30 rope climbs
o 20 leg levers
o 90 second plank

Count-O-Rama and Name-O-Rama

Tupac was the 6th. A special treat as this was also his 55th birthday.

COT / Prayers and Intentions: Illness that many are dealing with; healing for those that are injured (Zod and others); Bourbon’s interview on Monday; Spaulding’s wife and child due any day; For all those that haven’t posted in a while or haven’t been reached out to yet to learn what F3 means and to get out of the sad clown rut.

2nd F at Lamplight Café

Wildcat Mountain (Mt. Doom) – 2/10/18

Attending today was Mickey, Colonel, Brita, Hedgehog, Jimmy Dean, Kitty, Mr. Belding Froman and myself, Landslide (Q).

We had a very simple workout. At the bottom of the hill, we did a burpee mountain, starting at 20 and worked our way down to 1 at which those who made it did 20 burpees again. After each set of burpees, we ran up the hill, and did a Starfish sit up mountain. we started at 20 and worked our way down until 1 in which those who made it did 20. After each set of sit ups, we ran/walked down the hill to do the burpee set. So it went as follows, a set of burpees, up the hill, a set of starfish sit ups and then down the hill to do burpees. We had 50 minutes to complete the set. There was a fair amount of modification occurring, especially on the run up the hill and on the sit ups.

Welcome to the Party (The Fortress) – 2/10/18

Welcome to the Party:

Date: 02/10/2018
Time: 5:00 – 6:50 AM
Location: Fortress Ruckus – AKA…Woodland Park

Q: Bambi

PAX: 9 total – Raven, Bambi (Q), Stark, Cobra, Tupac, Woodstock, Rooster, Jennay, Bourbon

F3 Mission: Fitness, Fellowship, Faith; To plant, serve and grow men’s small workout groups, in order to reinvigorate male community leadership

Principles of F3:
• It must be free of charge
• It must be open to all men
• It must be help outdoor, rain or shine, hot or cold
• It must be peer led in a rotating fashion by men who participate in the workout, with no training or certification necessary
• It must end with a Circle of Trust (COT)

Started with a mosey to the field area North of the Pavilion carrying 2 flags and 6 coupons and then circled up around the flags in 6” of snow.

Counted off and partnered up with someone of similar weight…or as close as possible.

Rules were Given: Never get more than 5’ from your partner or everyone does 10 Merkins (These Toledo boys are smart…we failed to get anyone for breaking the rule in 2 hours).

Part #1 – Party Time – With packs on the following work was completed by the 8 PAX that posted at 5:00:

1 – Hold squat for 60 count around the circle

2 – 25, 2 count Merkins.

3 – 20, 8 count body builders.

4 – 50, 4 count flutter kicks with pack held above your chest.

5 – Ask for volunteer to plant second flag 50 yards out while everyone holds plank. Woodstock volunteered and Bourbon recognized the trick and planted the flag with him to prevent the 10 Merkin payment.

6 – 8 rounds of sprints between flags with packs on and 30 count hold plank in between each, counting around the circle.

7 – 50 yard bear crawl down and crab walk with pack on chest. Knees or butt on the ground equals 10 Merkins for everyone. We did the 20…and everyone drug their buts in the ground on the crab walks.

**On the return crab walk two light sticks were found in the snow. The Q stopped the workout and advised the PAX that this was critical life saving equipment that had been lost. The Q advised the PAX that this was the only warning and the next time would result in Merkins for everyone. Tupac took this to warning heart and removed a light from his pack and buried it in the snow to make sure he did not lose it in the field of play. It was discovered in the COT after the Ruck.

8 – 50 yard low crawl down with heads in the snow and run back. This was possibly the toughest part of the morning due to the snow cover and the inability to gain any traction in the low crawl position.

9 – Packs off partner carry with some quick training. The Q demonstrated the Partner Carry used at the Cinci GORUCK Tough. Switch carrying at the half way point. 4 rounds with 20 count hold low merkin in between each set, 20 count around the circle.

Part #2 – The Reward – Picked up one new PAX at 6:00, collected 6 coupons, 2 flags and made our way through the snow to the Woodland Park 1 mile outer track in two columns (4 x 5). The Q suggested that all PAX should carry their coupons and only switch when someone called for help. The Pburg Men again could not be fooled and quickly organized themselves on a 2-minute coupon switch. The Q was not pleased with this teamwork and by the first corner on the Woodland Park trail switched up the rules requiring constant coupon swapping for the rest of the ruck. At all times one person was without a coupon or flag, that person had to immediately take the coupon in front of them with a rotation from the left column to the right and vice versa each time you left the flag position and were without a coupon.

– Around 6:45 with approximately 2.5 miles covered the Q called it and had the PAX head back to the pavilion for some much needed incline merkins with packs on. Each PAX picked their favorite picnic table and with their feet on the top of the picnic table performed two sets of 10 Merkins in Cadence. Upon completion of the Merkins all PAX bailed on the Party and headed off to Gamble with some Dice at the Regularly scheduled Fort Imagination Beatdown.

Ended in a COT with Count-o-Rama and Name-o-Rama.

Jennay was the 6; EH’d by Marylou, asked what a Lt. Dan was in his first post and was rewarded with Jennay, is really focusing on living third since joining F3.

Bambi Led the Prayer, PAX were thankful for making it through the Party and offered prayers for the victims of the Earthquake.