Death March! (The Fortress) – 1/27/18

Ruck 1/27

Began with 5 F3 principals

left fortress at 4:40

returned at 6:50

Total time: 2 hrs 10min.

Total distance 9mi

Pacesetter: Bambi

PAX: Bambi, Bourbon, Jennay, Shakira, Monopoly, Casper, Mudvayne, Raven, Buttermaker

Q: Moana

See You in the Gloom at Mt Doom – 1/27/18

The Pax – Kitty, Sipe, Mr. Belding, Scrooge, Ticket, Dirty, & Balco (Q)

The Thang

i. Warm up (about 5 minutes)

Side straddle hops – 25 reps in cadence
Power squats – 15 reps in cadence
Mountain climbers – 10 reps in cadence
Up-downs – about 2 minutes in duration

1. Lap around the school (about 7 minutes)

Description: The pax ran a lap around the school and stopped at various points along the run at the Q’s call to perform the exercises below:

Decline push ups on the bleachers – 20 reps in cadence
Burpees – 15 reps
Flutter kicks – 25 reps
LBCs (Little baby crunches) – 20 reps
LBCs (25 reps, in cadence, 3 count)

2. Partner relays (about 12 minutes)

Description: The pax split into groups of two for partner relays. Partner 1 farmer carried a heavy weight (dumbbells or a cinder block) out for approximately 35 yards and back while Partner 2 performed continuous repetitions of the exercises listed below. The partners then switch for Partner 2 to farmer carry while Partner 2 performs the exercise.

Round 1: Chest press
Round 2: Weighted squats
Round 3: Military press
Round 4: Front shoulder raises

3. Partner pyramid (about 18 minutes)

Description: The pax remained in groups of 2 for a pyramid that consisted of 3 exercises. Each of the three exercises were performed for the following repetition pattern: 5 reps, 10 reps, 15 reps, 10 reps, 5 reps. (Note for clarity: All three exercises were completed for 5 reps before completing all three exercises for 10 reps and so on.) The three exercises were:

Exercise 1: Military press – Partner 1 and Partner 2 clasped hands. Partner 1 kneeled or sat on his 6 to perform the military press while Partner 2 stood behind to provide resistance.

Exercise 2: Push ups – Partners slapped five with each hand at the top of each push up rep before going down for the next push up rep

Exercise 3: Burpees – Partners high fived at top of each burpee rep before going down for the next burpee rep

4. Leap frogs, bear crawls, and crawl bears (about 6 minutes)

Frog jumps – Partner 1 leap frogged over Partner 2, who is holding in the squat position. Partner 2 then leap frogged partner 1. The leap frogging continued for about 50 yards.

Bear crawls and crawl bears – The pax bear crawled for about 50 yards then crawl beared for about 50 yards.

5. Guantanamo (about 2 minutes)

Circle of Trust, the 6, Ball of Man – Ticket was the 6. We had the opportunity to hear the profound impact that F3 has had on him. Prayers for those dealing with all types of loss: unemployment, loss of loved ones, and other types of loss. Prayers for a friend who recently divorced an abusive spouse.

Pre 3rd F Ruck (YMCA-PBG) – 1/26/18

Perrysburg Pre 3rd F Ruck BB:
Q: Flo
PAX: Tupac, Raven & Casper
Started with F3 Mission & 5 Principles. Ruck covered 3.5 miles in 51 minutes. Sub 15 min mile pace. COT: Tupac closed with prayer as we headed into the Y for 3rd F. 🇺🇸

Dazed and Confused with Dauber (The Ant Hill) – 1/25/18

QIC – Dauber
PAX -30 – the same number of beers in a Busch Bonus pack (for those scoring at home)
Romano, Hustle, Mailman, Dirty, Ozzie, Modell, Poodle, Scrooge, Spider Monkey, Sideshow, Kitty, Trinity, Brute, Brita, Ollie, Ticket, Gap, Jimmy Dean, Cogsworth, Mater, Froman, Colonel, Android, Worm, Klinger, Rose, John Henry, Splinter, Honeymoon.

The Thang, Man
We started the Wake and Bake right at 0530 with YTC reviewing what F3 means, its purpose, and the 5 core principles. Q struggled to hold onto his oversized Weinke as it dropped twice before our warm up lap.
Upon our return we did 20 SSH IC and 10 Windmills IC before partnering up.
Q stressed two caveats when pairing up:
1.find someone you have never partnered with and
2. bat flippers should try to pair with a handsome dude who seemingly end up at the back of PAX (when you look good why go fast?)
and without further ado- That 70s Show began;
70 reps between the partners- Partner A pounding out reps, Partner B running to cones and back (100 yards total)
Switch, Rinse and Repeat as they worked through listed below.
-Focus on quality reps, with some flat out awesome jams booming out of Klinger’s Radio Raheem. (We turned it up to 11!)
BUTTERFLY KICKS *** all together***

Know your 6 – Modell shared his story. PAX welcomed him back after battling the flu. Just my opinion here but Modell is an inspiration – 4 young kids and he has been a posting madman. Love his energy.

COT – thought and prayers for Romano’s dad as he recovers from a stroke, Rihanna as he endures some shoddy press (PAX has your back)
Bluto, Kitty’s Uncle, Dirty’s sister as she prepares to have a baby, Mater’s buddy, Scrooge, and the Troops.

Moleskin – Thanks to Jimmy Dean for directing traffic and Klinger for bringing the sound set up and playing roady. Hardest part of this beatdown was pairing down the playlist. Thanks for bringing the energy today fellas. I was running on fumes but the mumble chatter,high fives, and Froman’s Pete Townsend Windmills kept pushing me forward. As always, an honor and a pleasure to lead you gents. Stay Awesome.

Landslide’s Q (The Wall) – 1/25/18

Here is today’s BackBlast! Attendees were: Stark, Bourbon, Woodstock, Virus, Buttermaker , Tupac, Spalding, and the Q, Landslide.

We had three stations. The first was using a jump rope or without, 100 skips. The second station was 25 decline merkins, 25 dips and 25 single leg squats to a sit position for each leg. The third station was 25 Australian merkins, 25 each leg V sit ups, and 25 swimmer merkins. We then ran approximately 50 yards to the first station. We rotated through this workout for 30 minutes. We then gathered for a round of Geronimo and for my new age, we held a count of 57 for a front plank, a right arm plank and a left arm plank.

We ended with a nameorama, Woodstock as the 6th and the circle of trust.

Run… and some PT Fun (Stone Wolfe) – 1/24/18

16 pax showed up in the frosty gloom with temps in the mid 20s for a Run with a little PT fun

QIC – Ollie

Cogsworth, Kitty, Belding, Poodle, Brita, Wake, Klinger, Ozzie, Rose, Sipe, Gap, Sideshow, Dollywood, Ticket, John Henry, Ollie

1) SSH – 25 in cadence
2) Windmills – 20 in cadence
3) Michael Phelps
4) Arm circles
5) Mozy to the track

The Thang:
The goal was to keep moving!

Indian run – ½ mile with the 16 pax cycling through exactly 1 time

Move to “Quarters” – Pax partnered up to help push each other
o 25 merkins (note the Q incorrectly called them push-ups and Brita politely asked what a push up was)
o 400 meter run
o 25 squats
o 400 meter run
o 25 burpees
o 400 meter run
o 25 squats
o 400 meter run
o 25 merkins
o 400 meter run

Move to catch me if you can with partners
o First lap 1 partner 10 merkins while other back pedals. When caught partners switch and repeat until full lap is complete
o Second lap same except 6 lunges instead of 10 merkins

Total of close to 2.5 miles (with mozy and depending on the lane for catch me if you can), 25 burpees, ~30 lunges, 50 squats, ~100 merkins and an elevated heart rate.

Pax finished strong and proud of all the hard work on that track this morning!
Mozy back to the flag circle up

As mentioned, I was glad to be back. I took quite a bit of time off the past month and a half and shutdown trying to deal with a lot of things. God has been speaking to me that I need this in my life and he spoke pretty loud this past Sunday.

Many thanks to this great Pax welcoming me back. Humbled by each and every one of you great men! #Blessed #ISI

Picnic at the Park (Atalanta) – 1/24/18

1/24/18 – Picnic at the Park

Opened with core principles and mission statement.

Count-O-Rama – (6)
Jennay (Q), Mr. Bean, Woodstock, Bourbon, Landslide, Tupac

Q explained picnic was cancelled due to bear sighting. We would test the myth that the best way to outrun a bear is downhill.

Began with a mosey to the hill while Q explained routine. The “Bear” would rotate each round based on stance in Count-O-Rama. Bear would bear crawl up the hill to the top and then bear crawl down the hill to the bottom.

The rest of the Pax would sprint to the top of the hill, complete repetition of Burpee Ladder (10 first time, 9 second time, and so on) and then sprint down the hill and complete an exercise in the following sequence.

Sequence – completed 10 rounds
– Merkins (20)
– Shoulder Taps (20 each side)
– Spiderman Merkins (20)
– Flutter Kicks (20)
– Plank Jacks (20)
– Repeato

After a half hour of the bear chase, a windy game of ultimate frisbee was enjoyed.

Came together for final count-o-rama – Jennay was (6) and closed with COT.

There’s no “I” in Team (Pride Rock) – 1/24/18

Pride Rock (Pacestter)
There’s no “I” in Team beatdown
Q – Hedgehog
Pax – Flo, Gadget, Axis, Bagels, Tupac, H2, Mr. Belding, Mickey, Colonel, Sipe, Bullwinkle, Hedgehog
FNG – Justin “Axis” Mildenstein (Eh’ld by Hedgehog)

FNG into circle center – introduce to Pax
F3 core principals
25 SSH in cadence
Mosey over to the playground

The Thang (1000 reps) while listening to 70’s funk tunes
Divide into (3) teams of 4
Teams – 100 pull ups
Pax – 10 SSH in cadence
Re-divide into (4) teams of 3 …because the Q sucks at math !!!
Teams – 200 reverse lunges
Pax – 15 SSH in cadence
Teams – 300 merkins
Pax – 20 SSH in cadence
Teams – 400 air squats
Pax – 25 SSH in cadence

Team ab workout (all exercises 1 minute work with 30 second breather)
one Pax planks
one Pax mountain climbers
one Pax LBC’s
switch until each Pax completes all 3 exercises

Team crawls (125 feet between light pole and median)
one Pax from each team at a time
bear crawl down
bear crawl back
crawl bear down
crawl bear back
two-man carry heaviest Pax on team down and back

mosey back to COT area

COT – countorama, FNG “Axis”, nameorama, know your 6 (Mr. Belding), prayer intentions

Pre-Beatdown Run (Pride Rock) – 1/24/18

Pride Rock (Pacesetter)
Pre-Beatdown run
Q- Hedgehog
Pax – Flo, Mary Lou, Sipe, Tupac, Bullwinkle, Bagels, Hedgehog
FNG – Mike “Bullwinkle” Walkovich (EH’ld by Hedgehog)

FNG into circle center – introduce to Pax
F3 core principals

The Thang
3.6 mile run (9:44 pace0

COT – countorama, FNG “Bullwinkle”, nameorama, know your 6 (Bagels), prayer intentions

Kettlebell Kaos @ The Necropolis (The Necropolis) – 1/23/18

VQ: Flo

Pax: Stark, Bourbon, Cobra, Buttermaker, Raven, TuPac, Peepers, Casper, Jennay, Rooster, Flo

Kettlebell Kaos began at 0530 with mission statement & 5 principles. COR 11. We covered the kettlebell sizes & types of carries. Pairs of 15, 25, 35 & 45 lb KBs were used with waiter walks, racked walks & suitcase carries based on size. Using 2 columns we rotated coupons every 2 minutes covering 3.0 miles in 48 minutes. Our route took us from the Necropolis to Rivercrest Park, north on Hunters Run to Watermill and back to the starting point.
Finished on a patriotic note with 25 American Hammers.
COR, NOR and Peepers shared the impact F3 has made on his life.

Thank you to my brothers for their hard work and support!